Allen James


New Site Coming Soon!

Stay tuned as we launch the new site later this week!

Filed under: 1

A Glimpse of What Is to Come…

Jeremiah, the prophet, had a challenging task. He was essentially called to proclaim a message of what was to come to a group of people who would really never get it. I have been reading through Jeremiah recently. It’s really a challenge! But tonight, the Lord allowed me a glimpse of what is to come.

Jeremiah 31:13 reads, “Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.”

Nova and I had the privilege of attending the wedding of Sarah Speer and Tom Novlan this evening. Beautiful simplicity! I LOVE weddings. Where the Lord provided this “glimpse” was in the place I least expected it… the reception. First of all, we drove into the parking lot of the Four Seasons and there was parked an amazing mazerati. WOW! Is that a preacher’s car?

As the reception began and the bride and groom entered and they cherished their first dance.  It was precious. The bride then danced with her father. Another great moment… and this dad could dance too! The God moment came when the bride led her grandfather (who suffered a stroke a few weeks ago) onto the dance floor and they savored a precious moment together. It was one of the sweetest moments I have witnessed in some time. His smile will be etched in my memory for weeks to come as this proud grandfather danced with his grandaughter.

I know people have different thoughts on weddings… but many say there is something spiritual about a wedding (I AGREE!). But tonight, I had the distinct privilege to witness what it will be like when Jesus returns for His children and the maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well.

Filed under: Spiritual Life

Friends & Fans…

Nova and I had one of our former students at the University of Florida call this week and mention she was in Texas. She and a friend spent the night with us last night. Plenty of laughter as we watched the office and the food network together. I love re-connecting with friends I haven’t seem in a while yet never missing a beat. It was just like we had seen her yesterday.

Speaking of friends, another former college student reunion took place tonight at the wedding rehearsal of some of our former students from the University of Texas. I had the privilege of laughing about “old times” with students who are now every where from Houston to Brownsville to Hawaii. I look forward to seeing even more former students tomorrow at the wedding.

Now about the fans… as I write this I am sitting on the couch and Nova is lying on a pallet next to me. It seems as though our air had some difficulty this evening and until a service tech can make a trip out tomorrow we are sleeping with the fans on full blast tonight. What did we ever do before a/c?

Filed under: Life in General, Random Thoughts


I love My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. It is a devotional that regardless of how many times I read it, the Lord continually brings a fresh Word through it. In today’s devotional, Chambers issues a powerful reminder. “Never seek after anything other than the approval of God.” The challenge for me in that statement is “never.” Because I can manage that some of the time… usually when life is good and stress is minimal. Several years ago I read, Overcoming The Dark Side of Leadership by McIntosh & Rima. It was a difficult read because it made my primary weakness very clear – pleasing people. I have to continually remind myself to make my decisions based upon God’s approval and not someone else, including myself. I am so grateful that in my weakness He is made strong.

On another note… as many know I have a slight Starbucks habit. Yesterday brought sad news!

Filed under: Spiritual Life

Sharing Life…

I LOVE what I do! There are many days I cannot believe I actually get paid to do this. There is no greater privilege than helping others connect spiritually with Jesus Christ and relationally with others.

It seems as though the “blog” idea is going to stick around for a while, so I thought I would join in the fun. In 1 Thessalonians 2:8, the apostle Paul shares a beautiful encouragement with us. He writes, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” Sharing life is intended to be a place for connection… for us to interpret together what is going on around us in the world… to share our victories and struggles in life…

It truly is a delight to not only share the gospel with others but life as well. Let’s pursue Jesus!

Filed under: Spiritual Life

May 2024