Allen James


Friends & Fans…

Nova and I had one of our former students at the University of Florida call this week and mention she was in Texas. She and a friend spent the night with us last night. Plenty of laughter as we watched the office and the food network together. I love re-connecting with friends I haven’t seem in a while yet never missing a beat. It was just like we had seen her yesterday.

Speaking of friends, another former college student reunion took place tonight at the wedding rehearsal of some of our former students from the University of Texas. I had the privilege of laughing about “old times” with students who are now every where from Houston to Brownsville to Hawaii. I look forward to seeing even more former students tomorrow at the wedding.

Now about the fans… as I write this I am sitting on the couch and Nova is lying on a pallet next to me. It seems as though our air had some difficulty this evening and until a service tech can make a trip out tomorrow we are sleeping with the fans on full blast tonight. What did we ever do before a/c?

Filed under: Life in General, Random Thoughts

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